NEWSLETTER 5: Oct.06 - May 2007
From the FEW Director: Dawn Cavanagh
- Being FORUM (Workshop)
- Lesbian Mothers find hope in a support group
by Yolisa Njamela
- Being Mum among lesbians
by Sabine Neidhardt
- Women's Rights Forum
by Mmapaseka "Steve" Letsike and Kebarileng Sebetoane
- Sixth Sense
(Black lesbian dialoguing on safer sex)
- The (in)visibility of us...
by Dawn Cavanagh
- Another world is Possible:
A report from the World Social Forum, 2007
by Zodwa Nkwinika
- Civil Union Act
and photographs of Nomonde Mafunda & Tumi Ndweni's wedding day
by Zanele Muholi
- From My Heart to Yours: my take on marital vows
by Musa MaseTshaba
- Sekwanele: It's enough
by Zanele Muholi
A note to yonger lesbians
by Brendelie Mitchell
- Loud and Clear
by Deidre "D-Lishus" Walton
- My heart's gone cold
by Kekeletso Khena
GLAD: Gays Lesbians of African Descent in Toronto
by Patricia Koine
Linking sexual and social hierarchies
Implications for LGBT human rights discourse and advocacy in Africa
by Fikile Vilakazi presented at IRN Africa meeting, Dakar, Senegal, 8-10 Feb. 2007
MAY 2007
The International Lesbian and Gay Association Africa (ILGA)
5-8 May 2007
Human Science Research Council (HSRC)
9-11 May 2007 |
NEWSLETTER 3: Feb. - June 2006