Programmes & Activities
* The Rose has Thorns anti-hate crimes campaign
ttttttt- Community Interventions
ttttttt- April 2005 Report
* Training & Education
tttttttt-Pride (Workshops)
tttttttt- Creative writing
* Sports and Culture
tttttt - Profiling our sportswomen
tttttt - WISER Soccer Symposium - who said soccer is for men?
ttttttt- Mini Library
* Visibility
ttttttt- Coalition of African Lesbians (CAL)
ttttttt- Pride (Parade)
* Research
ttttttt- Women's Research Forum
* Women at Risk (WAR) Scholarship Fund
tttttttt Two women are currently being assisted: one upgrading her Matric results and
t t t tt and the other studying a performing arts discipline.
* Health and well-being
* Shelter for hate crimes survivors and others
ttttttt We arrange shelter on a case by case basis as and when possible tttttttt tttt tt ttttttt through other organisations like POWA and Life Line, and caring individuals. tttt tt ttttttt However, there are many challenges associated with trying to place tttttt tttt tt tttt ttttttt lesbians in established shelters for abused women. It is therefore our tttt tt tttt tt ttttttt intention to have our own shelter in the future.
* Income generation
ttttttt In the past we have run arts and crafts projects producing AIDS ribbons and ttttttt ttttttt beadwork items. Recently we have begun experimentingtwith catering and ttttttt ttttttt paid entertainment events. We are busy restructuring all these projects and ttttttt ttttttt will, early in the new year (2006), be inviting applications from communityttt ttttttt ttttttt members to participate.