SACC hosted a seminar on the 6th and 7th of February at the Kempton Park Conference Centre.
Bishop Ivan Abrahams spoke about the courts ruling, how some “parties” were happy about the courts ruling and yet members of the church weren’t happy about the ruling.
Proving that he too had reservations about the constitutions ruling.
Cardinal Napier opened his speech by explaining what Natural Law is, “which is the good that must be done”. He mentioned that “Moral Law ought to be the foundation of our lives, constitution can be used to suite minorities’ interest, only God can give life, only God can decide how we live our lives. Life is Supreme value, Homosexual unions shouldn’t be called marriages”.
Cardinal clearly states that “marriage is only meant for Heterosexuals, Homosexual marriages cannot be fruitful, only Heterosexuals’ marriages can be fruitful”. Making Human Reproduction an excuse as to why Homosexuals marriages can never work. Cardinal said that the “Constitution is only focussing on the physical being and not Spiritual being”.
He went on to say “Church Council should serve as a conscience of the Constitution, that Constitution is not considering Spirituality that by saying that Homosexuals can marry then the meaning of marriage is no longer the same. I still believes that Homosexuality is bad, evil and morally wrong, and feel that the Constitution has undermined us as a Church of Council, there is a proper way of living your life and an improper way of living”.
All in all the Cardinal didn’t take this Seminar seriously, he hadn’t prepared his speech and spoke from the top of his head.
We are all of God’s image, Homosexuals shouldn’t be made to feel any less of a human being. Churches use the bible as a source of justification for there faults, manipulating the society using Gods word. The bible shouldn’t be used to condemn but it should serve as a book of guidance.
Judge Dikgang Moseneke stated, “All humans have a right to equality, a right to dignity, a right to privacy. The constitution is representing the governed and we are all united in our diversity. Parliament is not supreme but the Constitution is. We need to build a United and Democratic South Africa, and that rights are to be enforced by the State, State may not discriminate against anyone regarding gender, race, and sexual orientation”.
Judge went on to say that “we all had the right to be different, and that the Constitution recognises a multitude of family formations. We need to accept people for who they are and not what we want them to be, we need to learn how to relate to each other sexually and we need to respect each other”.
Judge spoke according to the Constitutions ruling and at the same time, he tried very hard not take sides throughout his speech he remained neutral and he kept the peace by doing that.