

Media Release
27 September 2005

Forum for the Empowerment of Women (FEW) confirms that one of the supporters at the 16th Annual Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade that took place on the 24 September 2005, has been discharged from Johannesburg General where she had been hospitalised after sustaining injuries in her neck. The 23-year old woman from Mohlakeng in Randfontein was on the FEW float with more than thirty other women when a broken 1.25 litre bottle was thrown by an unidentified bystander from the balcony of a block of flats corner Harrison and Jeppe Streets in downtown Johannesburg.

FEW spokesperson, Zanele Muholi, said the incident is yet another example of hate crimes and that it was the result of intolerance and homophobia.
“We live in a democratic country, where lesbian and gay people are also protected by the Constitution, and this hate attack is uncalled for and undermines our human rights. What has happened is an indication that we still have a long way to go in achieving equality in South Africa.”



FEW is a non-profit organisation established in 2002 to create a networking, empowering and supportive environment for black lesbians in and around Johannesburg.

FEW defines hate crimes as crimes aimed at the person/s that are motivated by homophobia (irrational fear and hatred of lesbian and gay people). One of FEW’s programmes is ‘The Rose has Thorns’ campaign, which raises awareness against hate crimes directed at black lesbians, particularly those living in Gauteng townships. It is sad and ironic that this campaign was the theme for the organisation’s float at the Lesbian and Gay Pride Parade this year.

FEW notes with concern that a number of factual errors were made by the media in the coverage of this incident, such as the age of the survivor. The organisation views these errors to be part of the media’s ongoing sensationalist coverage of lesbian and gay issues in South Africa.

FEW is disappointed in the response made by city officials claiming that they did not know of the incident or of the march itself. ‘We feel that there could be a quicker response from the city officials’.

FEW calls on tenants and other bystanders who witnessed the incident to come forward with any information they may have to assist the police with the investigation of the matter. FEW further urges women’s organisations and individuals – particularly those working within the violence against women sector – to join the Rose has Thorns Campaign and to include lesbian rights within their agenda.

Written and distributed by : Community Relations Officer
On behalf of : Forum for the Empowerment of Women (FEW)
Office number : 073 0101490
Cellular : 083 5934038
e-mail : [email protected]



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