the fact remains
by Busi Sigasa
The fact remains
There’s no point in blaming myself or anyone
The fact remains….
There’s no use in you asking me why I never told you because
The fact remains….
I tried, you had no time and you were always busy and occupied
I don’t blame you either because no matter what
The fact remains….
I’m not looking for sympathy or feeling sorry things happened this way
Nothing anyone can say will change anything because
The fact remains….
I am now counted in the statistics because
The fact remains….
Do not tell me I should have never allowed my story to be published
because….The fact remains….
You do not know how I feel-no one does and the
The fact remains….
Don’t tell me what people might say or think because
The fact remains….
Its not going to change anything
Don’t ask me who was my rapist because it makes me mad
But mad as I can be and for everyone’s sake and my own
Life goes on and still
The fact remains….that
© 2006
Born on 23rd December 1981
Busi Sigasa, our beloved sistah, survivor of hate crime, poet and writer who passed away on 12th March 2007.
In 2006 she disclosed her HIV + status due to a rape incident.
Note: Visit Busi's blogspot -
Your Spirit lives. We will always miss you!