Women and Art: Poetry

by Busi Sigasa

The beautiful soul that I am
The creative genius that I am
The artist I was born to be
The good writer that I doubted
The storyteller and the original educator
Born to change the world, yes I was
Born to relate my own happenings and mishaps
Given by God Almighty Himself
It’s true I say no one can take that away from me
The reviver of dead minds
The bearer of good news
The true master mind, but not a proud one because
I only live to make myself and my God proud.
As for the people who are gossiping muttering words and calling me names behind my back

Fuck them I say!

I was born like this
I was born to tell my tales
I give love to the people, my people, black women of the continent of Africa
I shall be free one day
Free from the negative, stereotyped, crowded and fucked up situations we live in
A home, I should call it, well, it is not for some of us
It’s just three roomed housed containers
with walls closed up and closing up peoples’ minds
Pressuring the younger ones not to get educated
Because they believe, yes they believe
A man needs to work which is why every month end
He drowns himself in a beer drum & fights with the rest of the street and his family
He calls her names and tells her she’s a bitch
Because he buys her food she don’t see nothing wrong

Well, I refuse to tolerate such animals
Because I am a true and original Blessed queen
A woman full of love
A Goddess born to change their mindsets
It is with me that they will realise
She was born for a reason
She was created for love, by love, for a woman
She is a woman, a beautiful woman
The woman within a woman
No one can take that away from me
I am who I am

© 30/5/2006


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