2007 Human Science Research Council (HSRC):
Gender Same Sex Sexuality and HIV/AIDS in Africa Conference May 9 - 11, 2007: St Georges Hotel - Conference Centre, Pretoria
L-R: Renee & Zethu Cakata of HSRC
Proceedings of the HSRC Conference at St Georges Hotel
Vasu Reddy, Chief Research Specialist,
Gender and Development Unit at HSRC. The mastermind behind the abovementioned conference.
Theo Sandfort of HIV Center for Clinical and Behavioural Studies
in New York (columbia edu.) who facilitated some sessions
Juan Nel of UNISA Centre for Applied Psychology
Danilo da Silva in a mission...
L-R: Pierre de Vos, Nhlanhla Mbatha and Dawie Nel
Cary Johnson of International Gay & Lesbian Association (IGLHRC)
Ian Swartz of The Rainbow Project, Namibia
Mandisa Mbali... of the University of KwaZulu Natal
(Civil Society dept.)