PEG GREY, a lesbian sports activist and a pioneer in Chicago’s LGBT community, adopted CHOSEN FEW (FEW’s lesbian soccer team). The Chosen FEW is comprised of 25 young black lesbians from townships in and around Johannesburg. They advance and defend the rights of all, through the activism work that they do in sport.
They have advocated locally and internationally. (They have played and won medals at the international Gay and Lesbian Football games in London and Chicago). The Peg Grey tournament is held annually with the following sporting codes: netball, soccer, basketball and volley ball. Women’s teams are invited from schools, universities and local clubs in the province.
The tournament takes places in August, Women’s month. The PURPOSE of the tournament is to raise consciousness on violations against women particular hate crimes against lesbian women in South African townships through SPORT and in remembrance of the late Peg Grey and other women who were and still are in the women’s movements to fight injustice.
